Psychoanalysis : eISSN 2383-7624 / pISSN 1226-7503

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

Developmental phases and milestones according to the scholars

Erikson (1963) Levinson et al. (1978) Greenson (1992) Colarusso (1992)

Stage I-VIII Milestones Stages (years) Adulthood phases 1-5 Stage (years) Milestones
I. Oral sensory Preadulthood (0-20) Oral (0-1)
III.Locomotor-genital Anal (1-3)
IV.Latency Oedipal (3-6)
V.Puberty and adolescence Latency (6-11)
Adolescence (12-20)
VI. Young adulthood Intimacy vs. isolation Early adulthood (20-40) Phase 1 : getting married Young adulthood (20-40) The 3rd individuation
Phase 2: becoming a parent Becoming a spouse
Becoming a parent
VII. Adulthood Generativity vs. stagnation Middle adulthood (40-60) Phase 3 (3545 years): reappraising of one’s way of life Middle adulthood (40-60) Accepting the aging process
Acceptance of death
Phase 4 (4560 years): unmistakable aging-denial or acceptance Maintaining intimacy
VIII. Maturity Ego integrity vs. despair Late adulthood (60-80) Phase 5 (over 60): hibernating or being lively Late and late late adult- hood (60 and beyond) Maintaining the body image and physical integrity
Preparing the death
Accepting the death of spouses and friends
Conducting the life review
Late late adulthood (80 and beyond) Maintaining sexual interests and activities
Psychoanal 2019;30:79-88
© 2019 Korean Association of Psychoanalysis